Weekend Resource
The Resource is a very friendly place open at weekends for anybody aged 50+ living in the Greater Pilton Area who finds that they are lonely and sometimes cannot cope.
The Resource offers lunch and a range of activities like playing bingo, cards, and arts & crafts. We also offer learning opportunities such as how to use a mobile phone and how to use a computer. Other entertainment activities include flower arranging, nail art, board games and musical entertainment. Once a month, we organise an outing to a place of interest or a shopping trip.
Janis is responsible for managing the Weekend Resource and she is helped by Moira and Michele. Volunteers also help out at the Resource
The Resource is open on both Saturdays and Sundays and if you need it, we can arrange transport to collect you from your home.
For more information on the Weekend Resource contact the PEP Centre on 315 4466 or click here to fill out a form.